Wednesday 18 March 2015

Reasons for menopausal weight gain in women

Menopause is also an important phase in the life of women. During this stage, women undergo change in their sexual and reproductive system. It is the time when reproductive capacity of women becomes nil and is accompanied by permanent stoppage of menstrual cycles. Since menstrual cycles come to an end at this phase therefore it is termed as menopause in medical science. During this phase, women experience numbers of changes in their bodies. And weight gain is also one among them. Most women gain weight when they pass through menopause. It is due to multiple reasons and the hormonal as well as physical changes taking place in the women’s bodies.

Some of the major causes or reasons for menopausal weight gain are-

Hormonal changes- During menopause, the level of hormone named estrogen is reduced to considerable extent. This in turn results in reduction in the rate of metabolism. As a consequent of this, the rate at which stored energy in the form of fats and calories is converted into working energy is also reduced. It gives rise to storage of more fats and calories in the body and hence ultimately leads to weight gain. It is worth noting that it is the chief reason for weight gain during menopause in almost all women.

Inactivity or lack of physical exercises- Due to so many changes taking place in the body at the time of menopause, most women suffer from lethargy, laziness, constant feeling of tiredness and exhaustion. At the same time, advancing age also reduces their stamina to perform physical exercises. This in turn results in inactivity. Ultimately, women tend to gain weight.

Loss/Reduction in muscle mass- With advancement in age and due to effect of menopausal changes taking place in the body, there is loss of muscle mass in women. It results in reduction in the resting metabolism rate which is the gateway for weight gain.

Decreased level of energy consumption- With the onset of menopause, the rate at which women can use up their energy during exercises or other general physical activities is reduced to considerable extent. As a result, there is considerable increase in weight at this stage.

All these factors or reasons combined result in menopausal weight gain. But there is no need to worry as you can keep a check over your weight and reduce it by paying attention to some points regarding your diet and lifestyle. Have a look.

  • You must increase intake of non-starch vegetables during advancing years of age. At the same time, give up or reduce starchy foods, dairy products and grains as all these result in weight gain.

  • Women should increase intake of such foods that have high protein content such as fish and chicken. It helps in making up for loss of muscle mass.

  • You must preferably take some vinegar or green salad before meals as it helps in easy digestion of all the foods and at the same time prevents gas formation or bloating.

  • Go for easy walk everyday at least for one hour. It helps in keeping your weight under control in a natural way. Normal working of hormonal is also ensured in the body with the help of light walking.

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